Ten thousand years ago, a terrible war between the two Great Goddesses struck the Floating Cities, forcing the remaining civilizations to flee to the Land Below. War tired and weak, thousands of survivors faded away into the cultures, hiding their wings and putting away their royalty and politics forever.

With the sealing of the Goddess of Destruction, the Land fell into a state of peace, and the people of the Floating City of Kohana could celebrate once more.

But now, ten thousand years later, the majik keeping the seal begins to break, threatening to once again purge the people into a world of blood and death. Will the ancient Princess be able to stop the seal from breaking, or will everyone be destroyed by the Goddess of Destruction?

Black Rose

*What is the Black Rose?

It was a long novel project of mine that I started several years ago, but I have decided that  I will use my bjds and turn the whole thing into a giant photostory just for fun. ^_^

It is a giant romance/mystery/fantasy story. ^.^ That is all I will say about it here, if you are interested in more, please visit the "Black Rose" page.

Ten thousand years ago, a terrible war between the two Great Goddesses struck the Floating Cities, forcing the remaining civilizations to flee to the Land Below. War tired and weak, thousands of survivors faded away into the cultures, hiding their wings and putting away their royalty and politics forever.

With the sealing of the Goddess of Destruction, the Land fell into a state of peace, and the people of the Floating City of Kohana could celebrate once more.

But now, ten thousand years later, the majik keeping the seal begins to break, threatening to once again purge the people into a world of blood and death. Will the ancient Princess be able to stop the seal from breaking, or will everyone be destroyed by the Goddess of Destruction?

*Main Characters

Artemis (Rogue) Riley 
One of the last remaining of the Anjelshi Royal Family and the caretaker of the Goddesses. She is engaged to Kurosaki Akira, who is also her Royal Knight and guardian of the Seal. She has waited for many years for her lover to return, and trusted that he would one day return.  Despite being a princess, she enjoys the thrill of battle and helping Akira with tedious tasks. She is also responsible for maintaining peace and order among the survivors of the previous war. She is the main heroine of the story.

Kurosaki Akira
Royal Knight and fiance to the Crowned Princess and Gaurdian of the Goddess's Seal, he is responsible for taking care of all the dirty work outside the safety of the Land. He was the one responsible for ending the previous war and helping to seal the Goddess of Destruction. After this, however, he disappeared, leaving Artemis to wonder if he were still living or if he had passed to the land of the dead. He is the main hero of the story. He is actually a Youkai.

Goddess of the Universe and Goddess of Life. She is the first of the two Goddesses born to the Universe, and is the South and East pole of the Balance of Power. Shiori is also the elder sister of the two Goddesses. Without Shiori, it is impossible to maintain peace and harmony as well as the reproduction of life among the living. Shiori protected the people and helped Akira to seal her younger sister and stop the destruction of the Universe.

Goddess of Destruction and Goddess of Death and Rebirth. She is the second of the two Goddesses born to the Universe, and is the North and West pole of the Balance of Power. Shiva is the youngest sister. Without Shiva, there would be no such thing as death, and those living would continue to age and rot without the ability to pass on to the next life. Shiva also carries the ability to allow souls to be reborn into the next life, or continue to forever pass through the Netherworld. Shiva is an uncontrollable force, and responsible for the death of thousands during the previous war. Her main purpose and goal is to bring about the Final End.

A happy-go-lucky Anjelshi girl who befriended Artemis during a period of regression after the war. She is always bright and friendly although she packs a deadly punch if messed with. She is the side-heroine of the story.

A Youkai noble who obsesses over the mythology of the Two Great Goddesses. He devotes his time to learning the history of the Floating Cities and why the citizens traveled to the Land and eventually hid themselves. He wants to free the people and prove that there is no need to hide their wings and feels that he is the most appropriate to rule the Land. 

Ueki Satsumi
Artemis's young, human maid who tends to her dressing, hair and schedule. She was the daughter of a wandering traveler when Artemis took her in her home. They are very close, and she is the only one, besides Akira, that Artemis will spill secrets to.
One of the Anjelshi Royal Court servants. Kimiko generally heads the rest of the servants due to her experience as one. She also helps along important matters during meetings and gatherings. Kimiko's motives remain questionable.

There are a couple different species introduced from the Floating Cities to the Land.

Unmajikal, weak beings that inhabit the Land, which lies beneath the Floating Cities. Humans have no special abilities and live very short lives, usually no longer than 95 years or so. They get illnesses easily and can die easily. Humans are generally considered the lesser species among other races.

~Anjelshi~Anjelshi are peaceful, winged ethereal creatures who inhabit the Floating City of Kohana. They are beautiful and god-like and have majikal powers. They live extremely long lives, anywhere from 40,000-50,000 years. They are generally built with a feminine build, and not bulky. They are content to live peacefully among humans until they can find a way to restore the Floating Cities to their pre-war glory.

~Youkai ~Youkai are demonic-like creatures who inhabit the Floating City of Senigami. They are beautiful, but more demon-like and have majikal powers. The live incredibly long lives, about the same length of an Anjelshi, and are built in a variety of body forms. Youkai tend to be surpremists, and despise having to dwell among humans and hide their true form.

*Cast (so far)

Artemis (Rogue) Riley:  Volks F-22
Kurosaki Akira: Dolkot Loon
Narakumaru: Luts El
Ueki Satsumi: Dream of Doll Twing-Key
Kimiko: Volks F-09

Please stick around for updates!!! :D

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